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There were significant amounts of experimenting when it came to creating the perfect artist. The main genre's that were prioritised in the creation were Glam-Rock, Pop-Rock and Indie, so that we could create an artist that would attract an audience outside of the target audience as well as the actual targeted audience. Subtilty and cohesion were key factors that were considered as the artist needed to reflect the messages being portrayed but also reflect exploration and experimentation.



Originally, the look was heavily reflective of Glam-Rock with a costume of a silk blue shirt, bright silver jewellery and bold eye make-up. This was in particular reference to David Bowie, the first big Glam-Rock artist. However, after discussion it was decided that the homage to David Bowie ,shown through the eye make-up reference to Ziggy Stardust, drew to much attention away from the new artist to a pre-existing artist. The aim was for the artist to show respect to legends of the genre but the outcome did not reflect this and so the appearance were changed.



The final look that was decided on is more reflective of a Rock look rather than Glam-Rock look. This was so that we could shift more focus on the artist's messages and on the artist as a whole rather than the artist's appearance, which occurs with many female artists in the music industry. This look shows that the artist cares about their appearance but not let it dictate them or heavily influence them in any way.


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